Percents, Decimals, and Fractions
1. Meaning of Percent: "Percent" means per hundred. The symbol
for percent is "%".
2. Changing a percent to a fraction: To change a percent to a
fraction, write the number before the % sign as the numerator of
the fraction, the number 100 as the denominator of the fraction,
and then reduce.
Ex. Change the given percents to fractions.
b. 37.5%
c. 6.8%
3. Meaning of 100%: Since 100% equals
which is equal to 1,
we know that 100% is equal to 1.
4. Changing a decimal to a percent: To change a decimal to a
percent, multiply by 100%.
Ex. Change each decimal to a percent:
a. 0.48 = 0.48(100%) = 48%
b. 2.5
5. Changing a percent to a decimal: To change a percent to a
decimal, divide by 100%.
Ex. Change each percent to a decimal:
b. 25%
6. Changing a fraction to a percent: To change a fraction to a
percent, first change the fraction to a decimal, then change the
decimal to a percent.
Ex. Change each fraction to a percent:
(Round to the nearest tenth of a percent)