Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
When you multiply fractions, you multiply the numerators
together, and the denominators together.
Example #1:
Reduce to lowest form; divide by\par
highest common factor of 3
Lowest Form
Example #2:
A negative number times a negative
number makes a positive number
Example #3:
A negative number divided by/over a
negative number makes a positive number
The rules that you use when you multiply integers are also
used when you multiply fractions.
How do you divide ?
You first need to know how to find the reciprocal of a
Example #1
* Finding the reciprocal of a fractions is also know as
invertingthe fraction
When you divide fractions, there are only two things to
a) Invert (or find the reciprocal of) the second fraction
only, and
b) Multiply the fractions (which you already know how to do) !