Dividing Decimals by Whole Numbers
Objective Learn how to apply the division
algorithm to dividing decimals.
As is the case with addition, subtraction, and multiplication,
dividing decimals requires only the use of the standard algorithm
together with a method for placing the decimal point. Therefore,
you are not having to learn a new algorithm, just a small change
to one they already know.
To divide a decimal by a whole number, perform the division as
if the dividend (the number being divided) is a whole number, and
place the decimal point in the quotient (the result) directly
above the decimal point in the dividend.
Divide 7.12 by 4.
Carry out the long division as if there is no decimal point in
the dividend.
Now insert the decimal point in the quotient directly above
the decimal point in the dividend.
So, the quotient is 1.78.