Algebrator is worth the cost due to the approach. The easiness with which my son uses it to learn how to solve complex equations is really a marvelous.
Colleen D. Lester, PA
Thank you so very much! Whoever had the idea of inventing such a useful Algebra siftwaer - it has saved me, now I really understand it now.
Daniel Swan, IA
I just wanted to first say your algebra program is awesome! It really helped me it my class! I was really worried about my Algebra class and the step through solving really increased my understanding of Algebra and allowed me to cross check my work and pointed out where I went wrong during my solutions. Thanks!
David Aguilar, CA
Algebrator was much less expensive then traditional Algebra tutors, and allowed me to work at my pace with each problem. If it was not for Algebrator, I fear that I may have failed my Algebra class. Youre a lifesaver!
John Davis, TX
As a teacher, much of my time was taken up by creating effective lesson plans. Algebrator allows me to create each lesson in about half the time. My kids love it because I can spend more time with them! Once they are old enough, I hope they will find this program useful as well.
Carmen Phillips, WA